Your summertime schedule is likely already filling up, but don’t forget to make time to get your air conditioning system tuned up and ready to go. With the beginning of summer just a few weeks away, it is important to get your appointment on the books. Here’s why.

Tune-ups keep your system running longer.
Purchasing and installing an air conditioning system for your home or business is a big investment. So, you want to get the most out of that purchase. To do that, keep on top of annual AC maintenance. Our expert technicians will check all of the internal components, clean or replace air filters, and check to ensure it is running at optimal efficiency. If we spot a problem, we will get it fixed as quickly as we can. Doing this ensures your system works well for longer and you won’t be at risk for a premature system breakdown.

Tune-ups keep things operating more efficiently.
Saved energy translates to saved money. An air conditioning system that is running as it was intended at peak efficiency, means you will have a more affordable utility bill. Not to mention, a machine running efficiently means that the system isn’t working harder than it needs to, which puts less strain on it.

Tune-ups give you peace of mind.
No one enjoys an air conditioner break down during the heat of summer. It’s uncomfortable, stressful, and can be expensive to fix. Professional AC maintenance gives you the peace of mind you need knowing your system will work reliably all summer long.

So, with the warm weather on its way, get your appointment scheduled for a tune-up. Or perhaps you need a quote for an AC replacement. Let us help! Since 1985, we have served customers around Oregon with cooling systems for their homes and businesses. For more details, call our team at Specialty Heating and Cooling today!

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