It’s a cold and wet winter day and after a long day at work, you want to come home to a warm space to relax and unwind. But when you walk through the door, your house is cold. Your stomach drops and when you turn your system off and on again, the quiet whirring of the machine just isn’t there. You might feel a sense of panic if your heating system isn’t turning on!
Here are some things to check if your furnace is malfunctioning.
Check batteries and thermostat settings.
Outdated analog style thermostats don’t rely on batteries. But if you have a digital model, batteries do need to be replaced periodically. The thermostat simply won’t work if the batteries are dead and oftentimes, if the batteries are weak, the HVAC system could act strangely. Replace batteries and troubleshoot at the thermostat first. Then check the settings to make sure it’s seat to ‘heat’. Adjust the temperature to give it a moment to kick on.
Clean the air filters.
Our team at Specialty Heating and Cooling see many issues related to clogged filters. This is a very simple home maintenance task to do, but it’s often forgotten about. So, check your air filters and see if they’re dirty and/or clogged. If they’re severely clogged and there’s a lot of dust and debris, the unit could overheat and turn off. Even if the machine turns back on after the air filters are cleaned or replaced, be sure to have a licensed HVAC technician look at the machine to ensure there was no permanent damage done.
Look closely at the home’s breaker.
Oftentimes, furnaces can stop working if there is an electrical issue. You should have a dedicated circuit breaker in your electrical box for your furnace/heating system. See if the breaker is tripped or turned off, then reset it. Most heating systems also have an emergency shut-off switch. Try turning that off and on again to see if that resets the machine. It’s important to note that if the breaker keeps tripping, this could indicate something more serious. It should be looked at immediately by an HVAC professional and/or electrician to ensure it’s safe to use.
If none of these things restart the system, don’t try to fix it yourself. Your heating system is an expensive and highly detailed machine that should only be worked on by people who know the inner workings of the product. So, leave it to our team of professionals at Specialty Heating and Cooling. We know many of the most common – and not so common – issues that impact residential and commercial heating systems. We’ll look at the system, diagnose the problem, and talk to you about how we can get it repaired quickly and efficiently.
Once it’s repaired, be sure to stay on top of regular professional maintenance of the machine, too. This is always the best way to ensure your heater works when you need it most. During your professional tune-up, our team will run an energy efficiency check, change or replace filters, and examine the internal components of the machine to make sure they are all operating at peak efficiency. If we spot anything unusual, we’ll talk to you about what needs to be fixed and get it up and running in no time.
Call our team at Specialty Heating and Cooling today! Since 1985, we have helped residential and commercial customers around Oregon stay comfortable all year long. We look forward to working with you!