Your air conditioner has a big job to do this summer: keeping you cool and comfortable. To keep it running reliably, taking care of it with routine preventative maintenance is key. In addition to that, ensuring your air filters are cleaned and/or replaced regularly is key. Did you know that your air filters actually impact your cooling system’s performance? Here’s how.

Dirty air filters go unnoticed all the time. Unfortunately, they decrease your indoor air quality and make your air conditioner work harder than it needs to. The air filter is in place to protect your cooling system from developing other issues that are related to debris, dust, and dirt buildup. When this happens, it can accumulate around the internal components, which contributes to premature system breakdowns and expensive repairs.

In addition, dirty or clogged air filters also contribute to a decline in energy efficiency. You might even see your utility bill increase! That’s because the system is working hard to filter the air and move it into your home. This uses extra energy and puts additional wear and tear on the machine unnecessarily. Not to mention, clogged filters could also cause the system to short cycle more. This could indicate a bigger problem with the system that needs professional attention. All of this could be avoided by making air filter maintenance a priority. Simply mark your calendar every month or bi-monthly to clean or replace the filter.

If you have questions about your cooling system or which filters are the best option, we can help! The experienced team of heating and cooling technicians at Specialty Heating and Cooling will answer questions, get your preventative maintenance appointment scheduled, or assist with an AC repair or furnace repair. Or, if it’s time to get a full AC replacement or furnace installation this year, it’s not too late to act! We’ll provide options and pricing on that too. We look forward to helping you stay cool and comfortable for years to come!

Contact Specialty Heating & Cooling LLC today!